L pic Monday – R pic Friday
Tuesday, Wed, Thursday patient was given a new strategy to try at home in engaging her diaphragm during inhalation.
Movements were given as homework that allowed for safe bending at the spine/lower back rather than just bending at the hips.
Teaching her how to posteriorly rotate her pelvis and inhale and fill her thorax properly without using her neck muscles to assist in inhalation was game changer for her lower back pain!
If your nervous system doesn’t feel safe to move – it will NOT let you move & will put on the brakes.
She said her hamstrings always felt ‘tight.’
Don’t think so! #totalptnj

Why 🤷♂️ do we need to improve a poor squat pattern if someone is complaining of significant neck pain?
Why 🤷♂️ do some people who have ‘tight hips’ also have a tendency of having chronic neck pain?
The above ⬆️ has a lot to do with your breathing. 💨 SHOCKER! Inhalation & exhalation does not only occur in the chest & thorax. –
Your pelvic floor muscles expand & contract during breathing too. Some of those pelvic floor muscles also control your hip rotation and stability.
If your pelvic floor does not move appropriately during breathing, you will need to breathe more with your chest & shoulders to make up for the lack of movement down below. –
Enter neck pain stage left
Do you have neck pain❓Do you know someone who does & can’t shake it❓ #movehealchange

Very active patient with 2 year history of R hip pain that will not go away
Multiple orthopedists, specialists, MRI’s, CT Scans, Ultrasounds, physical therapy, PRP injections, cortisone shots, NSAID’s, etc. no better!
First session I asked her if she knew that she was leaning ‘a bit’ to the right. She had no idea. She’s lived in her body her whole life & has simply adapted to this lean and she felt perfectly straight & level.
Gave her a sense of her L side with several @posturalrestoration reposition exercises (gave her L abs, inhibited her R abs & expanded her R thorax.) Sent her home with 1 reposition drill to do.
2nd pic is 5 days later at the beginning of her session. She felt about 50% better for the first time in 2 years. A wee bit of a change no?
When you stand do you tend to lean a bit forward/back? Do you tend to lean a bit to the L? lean a bit to the R? Do you sense your heels when you stand? Are your toes gripping the ground for no reason? Think you should know the answers to these questions? #totalptnj #movehealchange

Dr. Dimitry Polyakov quickly assessed my herniated disc issues, including a major spinal shift, and prescribed a sampling of exercises from multiple philosophies (PRI, McKenzie, DNS & another i don’t remember, but worked the best!). He is the MMA master of PT philosophies, fully versed in all techniques that are effective, and it was clear to me he sets aside time to keep up with newer philosophies as they become proven.
He was able to get me to fully recover in about 6-7 sessions over the course of about 6 weeks, which was remarkable. He does a great job video-recording the exercises and utilizing the cloud to allow access during the week so you can do the exercises between sessions. Dimitry is a passionate coach, and has some elite athletes as clientele. While he is not the least expensive PT per session, if you value your time, I argue he will get you results in much fewer sessions compared to standard PT centers. So long as you are disciplined and do your homework between sessions, overall cost of recovery probably the same. Highly recommend Dimitry!