Everyone has had a bout of knee pain or is currently fighting off an injury that involves the knee. What are the key elements that make up the pain that emanates from the knee-cap or from the structures around it? Good info for runners, athletes and moms and dads alike.

So you think you have Plantar Fascitis? There are mechanical contributions coming from the hip, knee and ankle when it comes to dysfunction of the foot. Check out this video for a few tips on how to manage this condition.

Everyone who’s ever ran more then once around the block has had lateral hip and knee pain. How and why do we use the foam roller and when is it NOT a good idea to use that roller?

So you think you have shin splints from running? Massaging, rolling and stretching may not be the answer. Let’s take a look at the mechanics of good & bad foot, knee and hip movement first!

Looking ahead to a great web-based video series with collaboration between Total-PT & Sneaker Factory of Florham Park. Everyone has aches and pains when it comes to running. Shin Splints, IT Band Syndrome, Knee pain and the list goes on and on. We’re here to break it all down for you and go through the various injury types and create possible solutions for the runner that wants to just get out and run. Keep checking back for the first video and the series ahead!