Part 1 in a series to address Yoga poses with their progressions coupled with proper mechanics and appropriate mobility. These videos will be here to take a more in-depth look at what occurs when breakdown in form forces the Yoga practitioner to compensate and eventually place themselves at risk for injury. In this video Lululemon Ambassador Anne Britt and Total-PT’s Lauren Beasley will look @ the Sun Salutation progression along with the appropriate cuing and body mechanics that are involved.
You actually do have control over your own feet. Just because you may think you have flat feet, foot pain, heel pain or arches that are too high – there’s help. You can actually fix this. You have the tool-set for this. Watch and learn. Then execute!
Everyone’s heard of Sciaica. How do you stretch out the nerve? Can you? While we are at it lets take care of the Femoral nerve as well. Everyone knows that your muscles tighten up over time and you need to stretch them out. Well . . . your nerves get tight as well and you need to know how to ‘floss’ them out so you can get rid of the ‘fuzz!’ Sure beats having pain. Check this out!
So here you go boys and girls. Last video was about stretching the Median nerve on your own & this one talks about the other two, Radial and Ulnar Nerve. All can cause serious fuzz issues and pain. All you need to do is learn how to stretch them out safely and you’re way ahead of the rest of the boys and girls out there complaining about numbness and pain. Check these out and try them. Contact me w/ questions as always!
Ever thought about your nerves being tight? You should. The hamstrings and quads aren’t the only things that tighten up on all of us. These are critical for normal mobility. Imagine having a tight T-shirt. You would have a really hard time getting your arms overhead . . . right? Well . . . your peripheral nerves also need to have adequate mobility in order to not restrict your normal range of motion. Check this out!
Now we know why we posteriorly tilt when we squat and round out our lower backs. But how do we stretch the tight structures that create that “dumping out” effect? There are 3 main muscle groups that contribute to this effect. What are they? Curious? Well . . . You know what to do!
So we know about the squat and what happens when we loose form on the bottom end (see last video.) We “dump out” at the pelvis. But why? The answer lies in the length of the three main muscle groups. 1. Hamstrings 2. Glutes 3. Adductors. If they are tight or in spasm, they will pull the pelvis into a posterior tilt or a “dump-out.” Watch this video to understand what I’m talking about and take a look at your own squat.
The all-in-one exercise that utilizes the Glut-Medius for all that it’s built to do! You need balance. You need stability. You obviously need to move so you also need dynamic ability. Control the hinge and you control the Glut!
So you know how to release the Glut-Medius through deep tissue, screen for its weakness & move properly utilizing appropriate allignment (see prior videos for these,) but how do we work on the Glut-Medius functionally. How do we use the muscle in isolation, but still use it while weight bearing? This is quite relevant because you can strengthen these muscles through machines in the gym or by lying on your side and raising the leg, but that doesn’t really translate to the real world since we don’t use that muscle while sitting or while lying down. How do we get that Glut-Medius to activate in a way that the brain actually understands? Check it!