Have you had #physicaltherapy like it’s 1999? (sorry @prince)
Do you start w/ hot packs followed by ultrasound?Then you go through a few exercises on your own while no one is watching your form?
Do you finish up w/ a short massage, ice & e-stim?
Do you repeat that 3x/wk for 6-8weeks?Hmmmm . . . . .
You know that you can do heat and ice @ home for free right? You also know that you can now get an E-stim unit for under $40 on Amazon or CVS & do that at home for free too… right? OK, just sayin’!
With an average co-pay of $35 – the above course of treatment will run you close to $900 out-of-pocket(that’s with a conservative estimate of in-network co-pay pricing folks!) –
Hmmmm . . . Some of us may have done that too back in 1999, but I heard there are better options out there now! #movehealchange #sundayrant