We talk a lot about rib-cage position☝️, but the relevance of this simple. Your abdominals attach to these ribs. Check out your ribs! What’s their position? Do you see a pattern in these pics? 👀
If the ribs/thorax are not moving well then your abdominals will be under uneven tension.
That means that your Ribs and pelvis will not move well or reciprocate during functional movements like walking or 🏃.
Let’s fix that! 💥

Client w/major (R) knee pain. Think her (R) ankle has something to do with it? She also complains of constantly spraining it. Single limb stance testing shows reverse/supination strategy. Releasing the right medial ankle region followed up by right glute activation and left anterior oblique sling activation along with building neutral foot control in weight-bearing – knee feels like a boss! Don’t just treat the knee if the knee hurts!

The third pose that we’re going to take a look at within the Sun Salutation is the Down Dog. Proper hand placement, shoulder stabilization along with appropriate spinal and pelvic control is integral in getting into and maintaining this pose. Check out this quick video for details.

The second pose within the Sun Salutation progression is the Upward Facing Dog. Extension through the thighs, foot position and stability within the shoulder complex are all critical elements of this portion of the pose. Breakdowns are abound. Check this video out for the specifics and what you need to watch out for!

The first part of the Sun Salutation is the Low Plank or Yoga Push-Up. Proper alignment and cuing is critical for appropriate stabilization. Elbow position and core activation is quite relevant here for prevention of back injury.

Part 1 in a series to address Yoga poses with their progressions coupled with proper mechanics and appropriate mobility. These videos will be here to take a more in-depth look at what occurs when breakdown in form forces the Yoga practitioner to compensate and eventually place themselves at risk for injury. In this video Lululemon Ambassador Anne Britt and Total-PT’s Lauren Beasley will look @ the Sun Salutation progression along with the appropriate cuing and body mechanics that are involved.