Scoliosis? Don’t think so!
L-before😞 R – AFTER!😃👍
lumbar spines are never meant to pucker🍋. Save that for your lips!💋 They’re definitely NOT meant to deviate to the ↗️RIGHT if there’s no clinical signs of scoliosis (look @ space b/w body and L/R arms in L pic!)
That’s a lower ⬇️R shoulder and higher ⬆️L shoulder.
That’s L cervical ⬅️side-bending & rotation.
When you hold your breath for everything, you tend to end up looking a bit like this! ☝️
Your respiratory diaphragm will torque that lumbar spine and pelvis into slight & subtle R lumbopelvic rotation over time … thus creating a relative long R leg and short L leg …. thus creating reflexive counter-rotation of your rib cage to the L
Where’s the pain? Don’t care (I do, BUT I don’t) I care about POSITION & TENSION‼️
Let’s change position! Let’s unwind & create tension in a better ORIENTATION‼️
Then let’s stabilize & MOVE PAIN FREE!💡