reposition retrain restore


Clients come to us all the time saying that they’ve been told that they’re ‘out of alignment.’  They’re constantly going back for adjustments & that they work really well – for a while! But they always ‘go out,’ & have to regularly go back to be readjusted!

Adjustments (or REPOSITIONS) are great. If they don’t stay in alignment then that’s not great! 👎What that treatment approach has is a POOR STICKINESS FACTOR! What’s their long term strategy❓ To keep going back❓ Over & over?❓Don’t you think that’s a bit silly⁉️

What YOU WANT . . . Dare we say what YOU NEED is a HIGH STICKINESS FACTOR‼️ What if we not only REPOSITION, but also RETRAIN⁉️Then you can RESTORE your ability to ‘_____.’💥

Now you DON’T need us. You need YOU! Oh . . . .you already own YOU & it’s FREE!🙌 Now that’s a great ROI!💰 #movehealchange

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