Michael – New York City
Total-PT and Dimitry Polyakov has been the most comprehensive, knowledgeable and practical problem solver I have ever been to. I have multiple low back/pelvic problems and other issues that have been treated by: The Hospital for Special Surgery and other facilities in New York for interventions ranging from 10 steroidal injections, 50 Acupuncture sessions, YEARS of standard physical therapy, Rolfing sessions for years and oxycodone for pain management. NONE of these therapies were working, as they did not get to the actual source of what was wrong, but treated the symptoms and the pain.
Dimitry takes the time to evaluate your total problem and looks for the issue that is causing the pain or dysfunction. In my case, I have a complicated medical history, as well as multiple issues relating to dysfunctional movement patterns, old scar tissue, etc. that other therapists had not properly diagnosed. Prior surgeries had caused scar tissue and other internal conditions that made a diagnosis difficult for most practitioners. As case in point: in addition to low back pain, I have been plagued with planter fascitis. During the first session, Dimitry resolved a big toe issue that was preventing proper movement, allowing the toe to behave properly and thus, along with other fascia issues resolve the planter fascitis. I am now FREE of this condition after having this for 5 years. The best thing is that I did NOT go to Dimitry complaining of this condition, as I had accepted it as something that other podiatrists have simply made orthotics for in lieu of finding out WHY I have this condition. This was caught by Dimitry from his overall evaluation of hip and low back pain.
My pelvic pain was the most complicated and is extremely difficult for most people to get properly diagnosed and properly treated. After several sessions, I am now finding pain relief by following the protocol of exercises and releases twice a day. For the first time in 5 years, I see light at the end of this alopathic horror. I do the exercises and release routines twice a day and see results every day. In fact, I drive 60 miles to see Dimitry simply based on the results I am achieving. I strongly recommend Dimitry and Total-PT if you are serious about pain relief and need someone that has an amazing knowledge of anatomy & neurology.