Savannah – Bernardsville, New Jersey
According to Time, the person of the year is selected because they have been influential and pushed the envelope in some way. For me, you are my “Person of My Year”! Because of your highly developed PT skills, I am back to hiking, working out, and I am finally pain-free, something that a year ago I did not believe would ever be possible. i also now understand the importance of strength, balance, and proper standing and sitting posture. More importantly, I understand how easy it all is once I understood everything. I have also now learned how to fix issues as they inevitably come up as I’m going through life . You certainly are the most influential person to me in 2013. As for the pushing the envelope, well, let’s just say that would be the deep tissue work 🙂 When I ask, “is this supposed to hurt?”, I now know to trust you as it always produces a positive outcome.
Additionally, you recommended excellent resources in a web developer and personal trainer. You do it all with a positive attitude and approach that makes you a pleasure to work with. Thank you!