Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
Orthopedic and Sport-related injuries are inevitable. If you’re active, chances are you are either currently injured or have been hurt in the past. Certain trauma is unavoidable, but the vast majority of injuries occur through repeated movements or static positions that are simply inefficient or, in other words, wrong! There is such a thing as appropriate and inappropriate motion. It’s biomechanics, It’s physics. If you are active and you move often, then you have to ask yourself the hard question – “Am I moving OPTIMALLY or am I moving SUB-OPTIMALLY?” It doesn’t matter if you’re playing golf, working out, lifting a child off the floor or sitting at your desk. If you move poorly then it’s simply a matter of time before your body runs out of ways to compensate.

Assessing ones mobility, stability and strength in a comprehensive way is absolutely essential in finding out where the ‘glitch’ in the system really is. At Total-PT we have the time to dig deep. We have the time to listen and find the reasons to why you’re not getting better. Using assessment tools such as C02 Tolerance Testing via Breath-work analysis, Postural Restoration (PRI,) Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT), McKenzie Method and other evaluative techniques, we are able to solve conditions that other facilities have not been able to address completely. Each client gets a customized program that we build with them together session by session. When finished, clients walk away with the tools necessary to maintain an active, pain-free lifestyle and know how to move well.
Connect with Dimitry Now! 908.268.1913 / dimitry@total-pt.com